Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 9

Used 35 points... 33 daily and 2 weekly leaving me at 27 for the week. (I think... my journal is at home) I left last night at 11 for Nashville. I could barely get any sleep in the car. The candied ginger did wonders for me. I also think that perhaps I didn't get as carsick as I usually do because I was in a truck and higher up. I will post a full list of yesterday's food at some point.

When it's 5 am and you are driving a truck for the first time and you are cycling through the same country music cd and everyone else is asleep right before you hit the rumble strip you begin to wonder... "Can I do this? Will i be able to keep it up in a different city? Especially when I'm nervous?" Then you hit that rumble strip and think... "Oh Crap! Time to switch drivers!"

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