Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 30

Starting Points - 32 daily +29 weekly

Today was bumming around the house day. And by that I mean I did a whole bunch of work from home stuff and helped ruby's cousin rearrange the entire living room. Yeah... lounging.

Ruby took some before and after pics of me so you all can glory in my fatness. mhm.

30 points used = 3 daily left over

Salad with nuggets - 6
Beef and Potato Casserole - 6
Sour Cream - 2
Rice Cakes - 2
Chicken Chow mein - 3
Rice Cakes - 2
Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Sandwich - 2
Chicken Nuggets - 6
Lemon Cake - 1


  1. Hi Molly. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have been looking around your site and I think you are Over The Top too. Come back over and grab the award and answer the questions!!

  2. Thanks for the award! I'll put it up on my next post!
