Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 51

Starting Points - 32 daily + 24 weekly

So Wed I ran around and spent time with my mom. My mom is handicapped and I do all of the work for her. I shop for her and take her to her Dr. Appointments. Sometimes I forget that it's fun to spend time with her because almost all the interaction I had with her is taking care of her. I'm really sad that I lost sight of that. Well Wed I actually got to spend time with her, We had dinner (she had chinese and I had a low point sub from subway!) We watched my life in ruins which was much better than I was expecting. I made some Halloween cards and we talked a lot. It was a really good night and I want to make sure to repeat it.

Super sexy sandwhich made by my husband - 6
1/2 cup Apple Cider - 1
6" Oven roasted chicken sub - 6
6" Oven roasted chicken sub - 6
Barbie Cup - 6
Corn - 6
27/32 points

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